
Our membership includes individuals throughout the United States and overseas.
In addition to your membership in SAMS, you can join a Post if there is one in your local area. Please note that Posts usually require additional membership dues.
All applications for membership are to be submitted to Jason Hudson – National Comptroller on the official National Membership Application Form accompanied by the required documentation of service.
Membership Requirements
Society membership shall be comprised primarily of past or present members of the Armed Forces of the United States who have served Honorably, hereinafter also referred to as veterans, and who are of Scottish or Scots-Irish descent; however, individuals currently serving or having served Honorably in the British Commonwealth Armed Forces also are eligible.
Past or present members (veterans) of the U. S. Armed Forces who have served Honorably, Cadets (including only students currently in college-level or University R.O.T.C. programs or the several Armed Forces Service Academies) or the spouses, widows or widowers of any such member, including lineal descendants.
Honorary life memberships are awarded to members who have been awarded the Medal of Honor or the Victoria Cross.
Required Documentation
Give inclusive dates of one qualifying period of Active or Reserve Service. If you are currently serving, give the starting date and indicate to present. If you have previously served on Active Duty, please attach a photocopy of your DD-214 (please remove SS# ) before submitting. If currently serving in the Reserve or Guard attach copy of current assignment orders. If no DD-214, NGB-22, or orders are available or you are an Active ROTC Cadet, attach any officially published document evidencing that fact, DO NOT photocopy Active-Duty ID cards. DD-214 will be properly disposed of after verification of service.
Applications or inquiries about membership should be addressed to:
Scottish American Military Society (SAMS)
c/o Jason Hudson
220 Springlakes Estates Dr
Lyman, SC 29265
Phone: 864-415-0571
Email: National Membership
Regular membership dues to join are $35.00; after the first year renewals are $35.00.

If you need Adobe Acrobat Reader there is a link at the bottom of the page. If you still cannot fill in the form online or after downloading it please print the document, sign it and mail to the above address or scan and email to the above email address.
Please ensure the Post Number for the Post you are joining is entered on the form so you don’t get assigned as a Member at Large (MAL). Please make sure you fill in all boxes, especially the contact information. This is essential for us to communicate with our membership. It is important to know that you will not be getting regular emails but, we would like to send out periodic reminders for Elections, Dues, etc.
Make sure you enter your name as it appears on your DD-214, NGB-22, Military Orders, or their Military ID. No nicknames please! This is how it will be entered into the SAMS National Integrated Database and be printed on your New Member Certificate.
Click the link below for some examples of filling out the form based on your Membership Status.
National Membership Renewal Form
We are now offering Online Payment Option!!
It is that time of year again when we start recruiting New Members and National Membership renewals are due. Fillable Membership Renewal Form is available at link provided below.
Military documentation is not required for a Membership Renewal only for New Members!!!
For your convenience, you may view a printable version of the National Membership Renewal Form in Adobe PDF format. Click on the Adobe image to download the Adobe PDF Reader. Send the completed form and fee to:
Scottish American Military Society (S.A.M.S.)
c/o Jason Hudson
220 Springlakes Estates Dr
Lyman, SC 29365
Phone: 864-415-0571
Email: National Membership