Genealogy Resources

Here are some of your links, each a go-to connection (as long as it works!) to a particular document, database, website, or other resource that may have the information you’re seeking. You will create your own list of links as you do your research.

Many of these links are found in various places on a website called WikiTree. WikiTree can be found at: . The beauty of WikiTree is simply that it is FREE! There are other free genealogy sites online, but most cannot match the depth and breadth of WikiTree. While you’re on the site, JOIN! You’ll be glad you did.

Each person on a WikiTree page has a Profile managed by a WikiTree user, a Profile Manager (PM). You can contact a PM via email to ask questions, get advice, share information, etc. You will also find a wide range of special Projects on WikiTree you can participate in if you like. Anyone can join WikiTree by signing an Honor Pledge and providing at least a date and a source for each Profile you create.

As you do your research, one thing you want to collect along the way is a source for each bit of information you collect. A source is simply PROOF that you have done some due-diligence in recording the information, but not all sources are equal. Primary Sources – birth/death certificates, land deeds, marriage licenses, etc. – are far more valuable than other Secondary Sources you find, but collect then anyway. You never know when you might need them, or who will be following along at some point and find your research.

Because SAMS is a military-oriented organization, many people want to research their lines from the military perspective. Mike has created a special Free Space Page on WikiTree for exactly that purpose: Scottish-American Military Society – SAMS ( . The page also includes links to many of the SAMS Posts that have Facebook pages, along with a variety of European and UK web links of interest.

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