Dual Membership Guidelines

SAMS National Integrated Database

The following are the guidelines regarding Post Membership Rosters and National Membership Numbers for SAMS. Here is a clearer breakdown:

  1. Single Roster Assignment: Each Member can only be listed on one Post Roster with their National Member Number (NM#).

  2. Support and Dues: Members are allowed to support and pay dues to multiple Posts, but their Official Affiliation (and thus their NM#) can only be assigned to one Post. This is their National Membership of Record (NMR) in the SAMS National Integrated Database (SNID).

  3. Counting Membership: For the purpose of National Membership Numbers, only those Members with an NMR will count toward your Post’s Official Membership Numbers.

  4. In essence, while a member can financially support and participate with multiple Posts, their Official Membership, as recognized by SAMS National, is tied to a single Post. This affects how membership numbers are tallied at the national level.

  5. If it’s not the SAMS National Integrated Database (SNID) then it’s not Official.


Walter M. Watt
Deputy National Commander
Scottish American Military Society

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