Patriot Submissions

Patriot Submissions

The Patriot Fall/Winter edition will be available digitally on the SAMS National Website and in print version to be mailed out December 2024. Deadline for submissions is October 15th, 2024.

The Editor welcomes articles of general interest, reports of current events, announcements of future events, and military and veterans activities of SAMS’ Posts. Articles should support the overall objectives of the Society, including education, fellowship, recreation, and Scottish and American Armed Forces customs, traditions, and heritage. The Editor will publish articles as space permits (any article sent AFTER the deadline will be held over to the next issue), and reserves the right to edit for length, grammar, clarity, and content, and accept or reject any submission.

Digital text files, photographs, and illustrations may be emailed to: Text files should be in one of these formats: *.doc or *.docx (Microsoft Word™; *.txt (text file); *.rtf (Rich Text Format™); *.pdf (Portable Document Format™); *.odt (Open Document Text™); or *.wpd (Word Perfect Document™). Photographs and illustrations should be *.jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) or *.png (Portable Network Graphics) format. Low-resolution photos and illustrations may be rejected, but an attempt will be made to improve them to the extent possible. Photographs should contain, at a minimum, the person’s name, Post number, event name, and event date.

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